The Medical School has a strong interest in supporting protocols collecting data intended to inform future external funding opportunities. This program will prioritize assistant and associate professors who need subsidy support to carry out high impact research, but it is not closed to full professors.

Each faculty PI with an appointment in the Medical School conducting an investigator-initiated protocol can request up to the following cap per year for all protocols under this subsidy: $5K per full professor, $7K per associate professor, and $10K per assistant professor.

Requests that meet the base criteria of faculty appointment in the Medical School conducting an investigator-initiated protocol will be reviewed and prioritized based on the following criteria:

1) Has the Principal Investigator used this subsidy program in the past?

2) Why is additional funding support needed (e.g. research program or department funds are not available)?

3) What grant program(s)/funding opportunity will the PI apply to using this dataset?

4) Can the study be completed in under 2 years (exceptions will be made for rare disease)?

5) How will this protocol and dataset support the growth of the PI's research program and/or the department research portfolio?

The survey will auto-terminate if the base criteria are not met. Please reach out to Steph Hulting ( if you would like to discuss any unique circumstances. 

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