The code block below illustrates how one might use # and // as comments in your logic and calculations.
# Text can be put here to explain what the logic/calculation does and why.
if ([field1] = '1' and [field2] > 7,
// This comment can explain what the next line does.
[score] * [factor],
// Return '0' if the condition is False.
Working …
0% means
50% means
100% means
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TheMN-Advancing Science, Enhancing Diversity (M-ASCEND) Summer Research Internshipis a paid nine-week program designed to give undergraduate students underrepresented in biomedical fields a mentored research experience in the health sciences focused on cancer and/or health disparities. During this internship, participants will:
Learn how cancer, cancer disparities, and health disparities are addressed through community-engaged research
Engage in research related to faculty mentor's area of investigation in basic biomedical, behavioral, translational, clinical, and/or community-based research
Attend weekly seminars and workshops on topics such as interdisciplinary research, Cancer 101, applying for medical or professional schools, and the root causes of health disparities
Present a poster to academic members and community partners at the end of the summer
Gain experience with mentoring; both as a mentee and a mentor!
Application deadline is February 9, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. No late or incomplete applications will be accepted.
Your application is not considered complete until TWO letters of recommendation are received. Please provide your recommenders the following link: Letters of recommendation should be uploaded by the letter writer by the application deadline, February 9, 2025 at 11:59 p.m., to be considered. Thank you.
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